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Health & Wellbeing Manager

Get ready to be greeted by wagging tails and unconditional love! Daisy, our adorable Spoodle pup, is currently undergoing training to become a certified therapy dog. Once graduated, she'll be ready to spread joy and support throughout our community.

Here's how Daisy can help you or your loved one:

  • Feel calmer and happier: Her gentle nature and playful spirit can create a relaxing environment, reducing stress and anxiety. Studies show interacting with therapy dogs can even lower blood pressure and heart rate!

  • Connect with others: Shy or withdrawn? Daisy can act as a bridge, encouraging social interaction and communication.

  • Boost motivation: Therapy sessions, especially for children, can become more fun and engaging with Daisy by your side.

  • Improve overall well-being: The unconditional love and positive energy of a therapy dog can have a significant impact on mood and overall well-being.

  • Reduce Social isolation: For those who find it difficult to leave home, Daisy can provide companionship and motivation to get out and explore.

While Daisy trains to become your future therapy partner, she's busy developing her own social skills at team walks, playing with her toys, and making new friends at the dog park!

woof woof

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